Ever stood by a glistening fountain, coin in hand, closed your eyes, and made a wish? If you have, you’re part of a timeless tradition that spans cultures and continents. But have you ever paused to wonder where that coin ends up? Or how your little act of hope can make a big difference?
The act of tossing coins into bodies of water dates back centuries. Ancient civilizations believed that water sources were dwelling places for deities. By offering coins, they hoped to appease these gods and earn their favor.
Fast forward to today, and while the reasons might have evolved, the tradition remains alive and well. Thanks to our recent study, we now have a clearer picture of the world’s ‘richest’ wishing wells, and where that cash ends up.
Rome: Where wishes turn to gold
Leading the pack is none other than Rome’s iconic Trevi Fountain. With over $1m worth of coins thrown in each year, it’s not just the world’s most famous, but also its richest wishing well. And the best part? Every single coin is collected and donated to charity. So, while your wish might be for personal gain, someone else’s dream is coming true thanks to your donation.
But Rome isn’t done. The city boasts other generous fountains like the Piazza Navona Fountains and the Pantheon Fountain, collecting impressive amounts annually. It seems Romans, and their visitors, are quite the wishful thinkers!

Disney’s magical wells
Who says fairy tales aren’t real? At Disneyland’s Snow White’s Wishing Well in California and the Magic Kingdom’s Cinderella Wishing Well in Florida, wishes are turned into charitable donations. While the exact amounts remain a mystery, past figures suggest tens of thousands of dollars have been donated to charity from these magical fountains.

From the East to the West
The tradition isn’t confined to the West. Kiyomasa’s Well in Tokyo’s Meiji Jingu shrine is a testament to that, ranking fourth on the list of the world’s richest wishing wells. And let’s not forget the Luray Caverns Wishing Well in Virginia, Eastern US, which has seen over $1.1m donated to charity since 1957.

A penny for your thoughts
While some wells overflow with generosity, others, like London’s Trafalgar Square fountains, see a more modest collection. But every coin counts, and even these smaller amounts are put to good use, supporting charities like the RSPCA.

Making wishes come true
As Kayleigh Sacco, Editor-in-Chief here at VegasSlotsOnline, aptly puts it: “It’s fascinating to see how these small acts of hope and superstition can accumulate to make a significant difference for charities.“ So, the next time you’re by a fountain, remember: your coin might just be the one that makes a wish come true.
The top 10 richest wishing wells:
Rank | Wishing Well | Annual amount (rounded to the nearest ‘000) | ||
£ | $ | € | ||
1 | Trevi Fountain, Rome, Italy | 858,000 | 1.1 million | 1 million |
2 | Piazza Navona Fountains, Rome, Italy | 172,000 | 221,000 | 200,000 |
3 | Pantheon Fountain, Rome, Italy | 129,000 | 165,000 | 150,000 |
4 | Kiyomasa’s Well, Meiji Jingu, Tokyo, Japan | 98,000 | 126,000 | 114,000 |
5 | Luray Caverns Wishing Well, Virginia, USA | 27,000 – 35,000 | 35,000 – 45,000 | 32,000 – 41,000 |
6 | Fountain in La Rotonda Square – Panama City, Panama | 22,000 | 28,000 | 25,000 |
7 | Disney Wishing Wells, California and Florida, USA | 15,000 | 19,000 | 17,000 |
8 | The ‘Mouth of Truth’ Fountain (Bocca della Verità) – Rome, Italy | 15,000 | 19,000 | 17,000 |
9 | Madame Pele’s Wishing Well at Hawaii Tropical Botanical Garden – Hawaii, USA | 12,000 | 16,000 | 15,000 |
10 | Trafalgar Square Fountains, London, England | 1,200 | 1,500 | 1,400 |
Not all fountains welcome your coins
While the tradition of tossing coins into fountains is widespread, it’s essential to note that not all fountains are wishing wells. Some historical or ecologically sensitive sites actively discourage visitors from throwing coins or any other items into the water. Why? Well, beyond the obvious littering aspect, coins can cause damage to the fountain’s infrastructure, harm aquatic life, and even lead to water pollution.
Take, for instance, the fountains of Trafalgar Square in London. These fountains are a listed heritage feature, and the local authority does not encourage visitors to place coins or any other items in the fountain bowls. A significant amount of coins thrown in get damaged and are unsalvageable, leading to more waste than wishes.
So, the next time you’re tempted to make a wish at a fountain, take a moment to check if it’s a designated wishing well or if there are signs asking visitors to refrain from tossing coins. After all, we want our wishes to bring joy, not harm.